About Us

Girlguiding Scotland is a Scottish charity supporting 45,000 girls and young women and more than 9,000 amazing volunteers.

Local guiding

Girlguiding Scotland has six regions – Ayrshire & South West, Central, Grampian, Highlands & Islands, Lothian & Borders and Strathclyde.


Each region is divided into local areas known as counties – we are known as Ayrshire South.

Each county has its own lead volunteer known as a county commissioner who runs guiding in the area, supported by Girlguiding Scotland and a team of local volunteers.

Counties are broken down into districts – Ayrshire South has nine districts. Alloway, Carrick, Castlehill, Central Ayr, Cumnock, Mauchline, Montgomerie, Prestwick and Troon.

Last but not least, each local guiding area is made up of units – groups of Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers – for example the 3rd Mauchline Brownie Unit or 16th Ayr Guide Unit.

Ayrshire South

Girlguiding County geographically covers the council areas of South Ayrshire from Girvan to Troon and part of the East Ayrshire area from Muirkirk to Doon.

The majority of units are based in the bigger towns of Ayr, Prestwick, Troon and Alloway but there are many units in the more rural areas of Cumnock, Mauchline, Tarbolton, Dundonald and Girvan.